Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Mommy- We need to tell Oli that Jesus loves her!"

After finishing up our Bible Study on Tuesday morning, all of my girlfriends had already left. Tyler and I were packing up my sewing machine to head home (we're meeting in my friend's home) when he came over to me and whispered into my ear.

Oli is a teenage girl who serves as a maid in our friends' home. Generally speaking, the maids don't join in on the activities that happen within the home in which they work. Consistent with the norm, Oli continued about her work as we met for our study on the Gospel of John.

God is so good to show us how He is working all around us, not only among the people among whom we are working, but also within our own family. My sweet 4 year old little Tyler has a precious heart that God is molding and making! When he came to me with this sweet reminder, I took advantage of the opportunity to talk with my son about how that was actually the Holy Spirit speaking to his heart. We talked about the importance of following the Holy Spirit in what He asks of us. With that, Tyler asked me to tell her, and at that moment she entered the room. "Tyler asked that I tell you that Jesus loves you." She sweetly replied, "Y Tyler- Jesus tambien te ama a ti!"-- 'And Tyler- Jesus also loves you!' I don't know whether or not Oli is already a Believer. Please pray that these seeds would take root in her heart, and that she'll perhaps be able to participate in our Bible Study!

Man, we have SOOO many reasons to praise God these days! We apologize for our sporadic communication. However, for all of the time that we spent here waiting and waiting on God's timing on various fronts, now we feel like we're holding on to God's fire-hose in many ways! It's a good thing indeed!
~We thank God daily for each of you! Thank you for your prayers and for your financial partnership that enable us to serve here. Thank you thank you thank you.
~Heather's Bible Study on the Gospel of John is going super well! She's so excited to see these ladies really eating up digging into God's Word.
~The sewing classes in the community of Nueva Almaguer are going great too! We're working on a Christmas sale project right now, and the girls are really improving on their skills. And-- they have ALL accepted Christ!!
~Last week at the feeding program, 4 young girls in Steve's small group accepted Christ!
~God has opened the doors for a Missions Mobilization Conference (several leaders from The Mission Society will be down to help put this on) to happen here this next June. Steve is working hard in networking with Methodist pastors all over the place to be a catalyst for igniting God's people for missions here in the Methodist church and beyond!
~This weekend, a group of about 30 of us are going out to a camp outside the city situated in an orange grove. Our purpose for this retreat is mainly to train new believers in children's ministry- one of the main focuses of Cristo Manantial de Amor church in Nueva Almaguer. We are THRILLED to be at this point!!! Please pray for God's anointing throughout the whole weekend. Many of these people never have the opportunity to leave their normal environment, so we're trusting that this will be a real blessing for these families!

Between now and Christmas, we have a LOT to get done. Sometimes I feel a little bit overwhelmed as a mom, trying to balance my ministry responsibilities with being a wife and a mom of three wonderful and active little boys (and one very active big boy-- STEVE)! I know that Steve is feeling super super stretched right now too. Please pray for grace for us to run the race with perseverence!!!!!

We'll be heading to Atlanta for Christmas, so we're really looking forward to a break before we come back and finish up our time of service here in Mexico through next July. Thank you for the privilege of being the extensions of each one of you as we serve here. How beautiful is the Body of Christ!

For His glory,
Heather for us all
P.S. We took these pictures this past Sunday. Can't believe our babies are so big! Matthew is already 8 months old now. Phew!


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